Monday, March 28, 2011

Renters Insurance

Another winter has come and gone and with it, another rash of apartment fires in Hampton Roads.  In most cases, I have to report on the air that many of the people affected didn't have renters insurance and will have to pay out of pocket to replace anything they lost.  Today it occurs to me to ask, "why not?"

Take this story from over the weekend in Pennsylvania.  Almost 30 people were left homeless when fire tore through their aging apartment building.  Only one person had renters insurance.  A fire spokesman compared having a renters policy with having a smoke detector.

Compared to the cost of replacing things lost in fire, renters insurance is cheap, around $20.00 a month or less.  And it's easy to get; many insurance companies will give you a quote over the Internet if you provide the address.

So if you're helping your best friend lug furniture into a new apartment this weekend, ask him if he has renters insurance.

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