Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Plan 9 Remake to be Filmed in Roanoke

Filming begins Friday in Roanoke on a remake of Ed Wood's  Plan 9 from Outer Space.  It's a movie that is considered by many to be the "Worst Ever Made."  Plan 9 wears the title well.  The original practically defines the term, "so bad it's good."

What's not to love/hate?  The cardboard sets; the cardboard actors; the ridiculous plot.  Some movies are painfully bad to watch, but not Plan 9.  It's fun seeing 300 pound pro wrestler Tor Johnson lumber through the movie as the zombified police chief.  There's the aging Bela Legosi shambling his way through a cemetery in a clip that is shown again and again and again.  And the doomed space ship scene at the end...the escape vehicle looks like a flaming charcoal briquet swung shakily on a wire.

Why remake such a beloved piece of garbage?  The teaser trailer below makes the new version look like just any other zombie movie.  Where's the sense of campy fun?  Whatever the reason, it's happening right here in Virginia.  More on the filming project from The Roanoke Times.

If you see one crummy movie this year, see the original Plan 9 From Outer Space.  And don't see it alone.  You'll need friends to help create your own "Mystery Science Theater 3000" setting.  Unfortunately, it seems and Netflix no longer have the classic Plan 9 available for online streaming.

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